Friday, November 03, 2006

I Got Ova

Hey what's up everybody! I just got over the worst sinus head cold I have ever had it was terrible. It included sinus drainage, migraines, and more sinus drainage. Yucky. Any way I got ova, so I am happy about that. I am upset cause I was late for school messing around with Cherry. That damn girl has gotten herself in trouble once again. She went over to her ex house and had sex with him, then his girl comes in while her dumbass is in the shower. Girlfriend is banging and banging on the door for her to bring her ass out. Then the ex and his girl started fighting. She calls me and tells me she might need me to come and get her. So I am waiting around for her to let me know what the fuck her silly ass gonna do then I said fuck it I am leaving for school, and you need to get ur dumb ass back home with ur kids and your statutory boyfriend. She called me back 1 hour later at Red Lobster and said he is taking her to lunch. *insert blank stare* I have a question. Why in the fuck are you going out to lunch with this loser? She did not answer me. So I asked another one. Where is the girlfriend? " At the apartment, he whipped her ass.!" OK at this point I cannot wrap my mind around what's going on. Yall pray for her. She is so book smart, but lacks common sense. I hung up on her and turned my phone off. Then snuck into the computer lab to write about my dumbass best friend. Cause now I am irritated. I love her but what is it gonna take for her to get off the bull shit.

I gotta go before my teacher notice I am not there. Bye


Ladynay said...

Leave Cherry and her drama waaaaaaaay over there! All 3 of them need help. Cherry got kids too! *shakin' my head slowly* Crying shame, what an example for her kids.

I guess she thinks it's all good cuz he beat her up?

She ever think how ole girl got in in the 1st place?

She ever think of why he left her at his place? When he dropped her off at Red Lobster something just tells me he'd go home, smooth talk the ex, put the pipe down and send her about her way.

He might get off watching them chickens (I know she your girl but chickens do what chickens do)constantly fight over him.

Some women are the smartest creatures in the world! *eyeroll*

Lady J said...

@Ladynay... She can be a handfull to deal with sometimes. They were Red LObster together. Honey all I can do Is pray for her and her safety.

Freaky Deaky said...

LMAO @ statutory boyfriend. I know she's your girl but your friend has some straight up problems. If you haven't already you're going to get pulled into her drama sooner or later.

So let me ask you a question. Why is Cherry your best friend?

shereejoi said...

Cherry got some serious issues she needs to deal with, I undersatnd that's your bestfriend and all but you need to distance yourself foreal because like Freaky said you gone end up being pulled in the drama.

TTD said...

i agree w/ the rest.. cherry got some serious issues. she ever stop to think, just like he whipped his girl ass, he might whip her ass??? i dont care if chick started it or not.. if he hit 1 chick, he will def hit another!

again as the others.. if u dont walk away from her.. sooner or later ur gonna get dragged into her mess.. you got urself & ur own to worry about... sometimes just cause u've known someone forever doesn't mean that you have to keep them close to you...

Anonymous said...

Does she not know that she too will be on the receiving end of the azz whippins?