Monday, November 27, 2006

Date From Hell

I got to start off with a question: Why don't I ever listen to my inner me? After I got my hair done I should have took my happy ass home and watch T.V. But no not me I had to out with this guy who I thought was a nice dude. Even though we talked on the phone for about two months it would have never prepared me for what I was getting myself into.

First of all I pick him up at his house at 7 pm, it's dark out. He can't drive cause Michigan has this new thing called driver's responsibility fee, that is for people with outstanding tickets and etc... Needless to say he owes a shitload of money so his liscense are gone. He comes out of the house first thing I notice is his sunglasses (insert blank stare) For Why? For the life of me I could not figure that out so I let it go. He gets in we speak and he gives me a half hug, ok that's cool. As we are driving I am listening to Meatloaf (the singer) so he shouts out MEATLOAF really loud out of the clear blue like he got tourettes, scares the shit out me. He was so proud that he got that right, so we start to talk and he begans to brag about all the stuff that he bought which was basically the whole out fit down to the Jordans he was sporting and those damn sunglasses. We gets to the movies and walk in all of a sudden I started to see something sparking out of the corner of my eye I look over it is his damn belt buckle. It was the biggest and shinniest thing I had ever seen. He saw me look at it and then he started to smile and say look it spins to. I thought I was gonna pass out. Then I notice he is walking funny so I ask him what's the matter he says "I know I wear a size 12 in shoes but I swear these feel like an 10". So I look down at the shoes and say DAMN maybe you should loosen up the shoe strings some. Those damn shoe strings were so tight it looked as if a person got on each side of him and had a damn tug of war with his strings then he tied them. He said Naw they alright it's just that my feet hurt. *Insert blank stare* Whatever we sit for the movie, he puts his arm around me, No he did not start to complain about his eyes are hurting so I suggested he remove his sunglasses then he says hell naw I look sweet in these. Well fuck it damn it stop complaining. Then I began to smell something. Oh HELL NAW this mutha fucker smell like mildew or dirty mop water take ur pick. Now I am really irritated so I have a major attitude. My only relief was another guy sat next to me who smell so good and he was my savior. After the movie he wanted to go bowling I snapped at him and said why so you can take ur tight shoes off, hell no I am taking you home cause I have to pick up my mother. OH I forgot to mention thru out the whole date he had been coughing like he had a terrible plague. When he got out of the car he tried to kiss me. Pump ur breaks please. I told him no I had a cold and he exited the car.

He was so irritating to me. I have a question do I have a right to be mad about that experience?
Give me ur imput please.


Freaky Deaky said...

You have the right to feel however you do no matter how right or wrong you may be. From what you said though he didn't seem bad at all. Maybe he was a bit of brand whore and materialistic but that alone doesn't make him bad. As for the smell maybe he has some plumbing problems at home or something. He pretty much had on new clothes so maybe he wasn't aware of the smell.

It seems like you were a bit hard on him and made up your mind about him early on. Once that happened there wasn't really anything he could do to improve the situation.

Lady J said...

@Freaky... I think he acted really imature to me and that turned me off. He never acted that way on the phone before so I was a little caught off guard. It was like he was a completly different person.

Freaky Deaky said...

I think people have online, phone, and in person personas. There true personality is probably some combination of them. I didn't read anything about immaturity. If you say he was then maybe he was. Maybe he acts that way when he's nervous or maybe that's how he interacts with people in person.

So are you going to call him up and give him a second date?

Lady J said...

@freaky... NO he kept complaining about things he could change like take off the glasses and loosen up the shoe strings. to me that is childish

Ms.Honey said...

AHHHHHH HAHAHAHA. That sounds along the lines of my horrible date with 19 dollars many moons ago. You a good one cause I would have left him LOL..then again that would have been mean...I mean how old is he to be wearing sun glasses in a movie theater..please it's dark enough in there...and I HATE when they try to put their arms around no...on top of that it's funny when the arm rest thing goes up so you can sit closer together..if I don't like you I don't put it up can struggle to put your arm around me..mildew?! EWWW that's just sad..then again would you prefer mildew to stank ass breathe LOL...personally I'd take the mildew...and I'm droppin hints LOL..who else do I need to email hahah

Lady J said...

@honey... I think he is 32 or 36 between that age range. I think I am gonna block his #

Ladynay said...


I think I was posting when our computers when down at work! UGH!!!!

Lady J said...

@Lady... calm down and write me another one please!!! It will be ok I was wondering why I havent' heard from you.

Ladynay said...

Why can't I type anything right the 1st time! LOL when = went :-(

My first comment was me laughing at the date in total...the glasses, the shoes, the belt oh goodness the belt!, the smell, alla dat stuff right there.

I think you had a right be be mad about what seemed like a waste of evening, but on the bright side, at least he thought of you enough to buy a completely new outfit!

If your gut still says let the dead dog die, so be it. The gut is hardly ever wrong.

Lady J said...

@lady... you are right about the gut thing I am not messing with Mr. Tight Shoes any more i don't even want to date any more

Ladynay said...

Awwwww don't let dude mess it up for the other dudes out there....

Where's your reply post to your ask me anything joint? Folks like me get impatient! ROFL

Lady J said...

@ladynay... I just finished it it will be ready tomorrow. I am not gonna let him mess it up but I am a little discouraged.

blkbutterfly said...

i also found the entire date hilarious. however, i am sorry you had to experience it. on the "bright" side, at least you have something to blog about! (that's how i view less than positive things now--- at least they are blog worthy! lol...)

anyway, as far as whether or not you were wrong to feel the way you did, you're entitled to feel how you do. it does seem like you were a little harsh in your expression of how annoyed/irritated you were. it seems like he was really nervous and wanted to make a really good impression. clearly, he failed at that. but, you can't necessarily fault him for trying. has he dated recently?

blkbutterfly said...

that last comment was from me, by the way. i didn't realize Blogger was using my google info. to sign me in.

deepnthought said...

I am sorry the date was a bust for you. I just could not stop laughing at mr. tight shoes. I am learning that you should always listen to yourself. I hope that the next date that comes along is so wonderful that you smile from the inside out.

Lady J said...

@BB... I have to admit the date was kinda funny, and no he didn't seem nervous he actually seems kinda like he was the man which irritated me to no end.

@DNT... Thank you so for that reason I will keep hope alive and BB is right at least I have something to blog about.