Friday, November 17, 2006

Getting to Know Me

I would like to thank everyone for welcoming me to the blogger community. I would like to do a getting to know me post. I want you all to ask me any question that is on your mind about me. No question is dto personal, cause I have choices wether to answer them or not. lol

Today has been a crazy day and it bearly began. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. My sisters and I all decided to take a family portrait this year. I can't wait it will be the first one we took in 15 years so we all have changed since then. Plus my mom is getting up in age she is now 64 and still going strong. It's funny cause she takes care of senior citizens and she is one herself. She is also a supervisor of a security company. I wish she didn't work so hard but that is what she choose to do.

We all have kids now so the pic is going to be much bigger. I have one, my oldest of my mom kids have one, and my sister next to me have 3. My brother he has none, I don't know what he is waiting for.

At my job we had to fill out paper work for our 401k and out of all the representatives in the place I had to get the one with tourettes. It was very difficult to talk to him with out blinking just like him or someother invoulentary facial movement. It took all the power I had to consentrate on not doing something to embarrass myself or him.

The girl with the fat roll still refuses to pull her shirt down. It is cold as fuck and her fat roll is still peeking at me. Thank God I changed my seat, so now it is no longer in front of me it is on the left side of me. She had on a hoodie that still didn't cover that damn thing. The sad part is she is not that big. She is probably 275, ok she is big as hell but still. I am a big girl my self but I make it look good. She gives big girls a bad name. Any way I gotta go. Make sure you give me some good questions. talk to you Monday and have a good weekend!!!


Freaky Deaky said...

Anything goes, huh? [rubbing my hands together] I'm going to come back and ask you some questions later. BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Did I just laugh out loud?

LMAO @ She ain't that big...ok she big as hell. You're mean. Rub her tummy, I heard chicks like having their tummies rubbed. Well, all of mine seem to like it for some reason.

Well at least the guy didn't have on a helmet and braces and try to rub you too hard while saying, "Good dog." :o)

Clothes are expensive maybe she put on a few since it got cold. It happens.

Ladynay said...

Don't be hatin' on the Roll girl, she thinks it's sexy! LOL My mental picture of you didn't have you as thick, chunky, plush, whatever term you use for slightly above or above average weight. LOL

What's your career choice?
Have you been married?
Was your child planned?
Do you belong to a particular faith system?
What side of the bed you sleep on?
Left or Right handed?
Ultimate favorite meal?
Can you cook?
How much longer in school do you have?
Will you ever post pictures on your blog?
How fast does grass grow?
Do you smoke grass?
Do people still call it grass?
Favorite genre of music?
Own an ipod?
Thoughts on reincarnation?
Going for a masters?
Do you know how to relax?
Do you drink?
Hot bath or hot shower?

Do I need to go on? Lemme know! LOL

deepnthought said...

dang. Ladynay beat me again. LOL

She has to feel the wind hitting that

like ladynay, my vision of you didnt have you as part of the luciously thick club.

Okay, lets see?

What will you do for love?
Do you want to have more children?

Do you have any fears?

What do you want your legacy to be?
I will definitely come back with more.

Freaky Deaky said...

Damn, Ladynay asked the first 50 questions I had in mind. LOL!

What won't you blog about?

What do you want for Christmas?

Anything off limits sexually?
You can kill three people without fear of arrest, jail, or any other type of retaliation. Who do you kill and why?

Who'd win in fight between Baby New year and Cupid?

What are three qualities you can't stand in females?

Ladynay said...

It's kinda rude to talk to someone who's not the blog owner in the comment section...but...

I got this blog thing almost down to a science, esp. at work where it's high speed! LOL It comes with the addiction!

Mahogany Misfit said...

OMG I hate when people walk around with all their shit hanging out of the clothes. That is THE WORST. How could she NOT know that her flab is hanging out? COME ON!

My one question you like animals, and do you have any?

Ladynay said...

I have another question, have you met any other Michigan bloggers, like Freaky, Sherrijoi, Sylvia Hubbard, and whomever else?

If not would you?

If not why not?

Ms.Honey said... are should have taken a pic of that. Don't you know I wish I had thought to take a pic with my camera phone and put it up here cause I was like are you serious LOL...homie was killin me LOL