Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Getting to Know Me (UNCUT)

I have decided to answer questions about me so you all can get a better understanding so here we go.


What's ur career choice?

I want to be a medical office administrator which consist of a whole lot of office work along with medical billing and coding. After I get experience in the field I want to be a teacher and teach it.

Have you been married?

No, but I would love to.

Was your child planned?

No, not at the age of 15

Do you belong to a particular faith system?

Yes, I am a christian. I believe in God and I know where my blessings come from.

What side of the bed do you sleep on?

In the middle, I wonder what does that say about me? I don't know why I do it.

Left or Right handed?

Right hand. A fact you probably didn't know was to be left handed is a handicap. It is a right handed world.

Ultimate favorite meal?

Fried chicken, red beans and rice, corn bread, and macaroni and cheese

Can you cook?

I sure can. Haven't killed anyone yet

How much longer in school do you have?

Until March and I graduate in May

Will you ever post pictures on your blog?

I don't know maybe on my blogerversary

How fast does grass grow?

Never took the time to see or even cared.

Do you smoke grass?

No, not my style

Do people still call it grass?

No, you will hear refer before you hear grass lol

Favorit kind of music?

All kinds especially gospel that is my first love everything else is secondary

Own an ipod?

No, but now I own a MP3 player.

Thoughts on reincarnation?

No, but I think it funny when ppl think they were someone else in a former life

Going for a masters?

I don't know I think I am gonna get my career started first and get on my feet then I will go back. Cause I want to be a teacher.


may be somewhere in the future

Do you know how to relax?

No, but I am learning

Do you drink?

Sometimes only when I go out and I try not to overdue it unless I am with someone I can really trust

Hot bath or Hot shower?

Hot shower any day they are so relaxing, plus my shower has a massager.


What will you do for love?

It depends on how long I've been in love and how drastic is it that he wanted me to do

Do you want to have more children?

Yes, only if I get married. I will be willing to do it for a husband and not a baby daddy

What do you want your legacy to be?

I want to be remembered as a person who never met a stranger. A kind, giving, and intelligent person. Someone who had a good sense of humor.


What won't you blog about?

I don't know I am a pretty bold person so it's not much that I won't talk about.

What do you want for Christmas?

A computer, dinning room set, money and WORLD PEACE. ( I use to want to be a beauty pagent contestant)

Anything off limits sexually?

You will not shit or piss on me and I will not shit and piss on you. sorry

You could kill three ppl without fear of arrest jail or any type of retaliation Who do you kill and why?

I have never dreamnt of killing anyone. I don't hate anyone enough to want them dead.

Who would win between Baby New Year and Cupid?

Cupid cause love conqueres all. Yes I know that is cheesy.

What are three qualities you can't stand in females?

  1. lack of self esteem and confidence
  2. bad attitudes
  3. and just plain ol stupid or dumb


Do you like animals and do you have any?

yes I love animals but no I don't have any. I am actually scared of most

Ladynay Again lol...

Have you ever met any of the other Michigan bloggers?

Yes, I only met one and that is The Freaky Man himself Mr. Freaky Deaky, he was the one turned me on to Blogger.


When is your birthday?

I was born May 26 I am a Gemini and I love don't believe the hype about Gemini's cause we get misrepresented.

What is your favorite position?

It has to be sitting a guy in a armless chair and riding him with my back facing him. guys love that position. not to mention that way I get to hit my own G-spot.

Would you give it up on the 1st date?

I wouldn't want to, we would really have to be totally in to each other for me to do that and lately the dates I have been having never. but never say never

Are you the jealous type in the relationship?

No, I am gonna trust you until you give me a reason not to. Then if I can't trust you then I have to go cause I can't put myself thru that especially now since I am older.

Thank you for all of your question if you have more please feel free to submit more if you want to know more. I had fun answering these questions. Thanx and Blog you later. I am interested in hearing ur feedback.


Ladynay said...

I think Imma try that armless chair thing Thursday...mmmm hmmm yeah I think I will! LOL

I never really thought to subtract your kids age to yours, but I was just spittin' questions anyways...

Was it hard bringing your child up? How was your support system? I can't imagine doing this parent thing at such a young age.

As a mainly lefty, I know all about all the crap being made for rightys! LOL

Never would have guessed gospel as your favorite.

You never wanted anyone dead? Even in the heat of the moment?

You meeting Freaky would explain why he gets on you for not blogging in awhile, cool!

Have you ever gave it up on the first date?

Ms.Honey said...

Hmm armless huh LOL...ok let me put that on my TO DO list..NOW lol

and ladynay you better make sure Pooka ain't around LOL..I'm assuming all the freaky questions were by the Freak man himself LOL...I love gospel music although R & B gets me too and I love a lil country

so has that cornball of a date called you to ask for another date LOL..man I was crackin up at the wearing sun glasses in the movies.

Lady J said...

@ladynay... I had a great support system. My dad was not gonna let me become one of those drop out of high school and on welfare type, who have kids at an early age. He also was not the type to let me continue to have kids I can't take care of. He paid for everything as far as the formula and diapers along with babydaddy. Not a soul I can think of who i would want to die. Feaky is crazy and he is a stalker. lol (sike) I gave it up on the 1st date one time and he became a stalker, he was also a under cover cop.

Lady J said...

@honey... The armless chair thing never fails. He called Sunday and the convo was very short. I think i AM gonna tell him I am not interested.

Freaky Deaky said...

I am not a stalker! I was cleared of those charges so :oP (that's me sticking my tongue out at you if you didn't know.)

[Thinking to myself.] Ski mask? Check. Duct tape? Check. Big ass knife? Check. Yeah, I'll show her what a stalker is.

You know that makes me your blogfather right? BWAHAHAHA!!!

Why do I get accused of asking all of the freaky questions? :o( [Pouts and walks off.]

Lady J said...

@freaky... hence the name freaky... Duhh you do live up to your name. don't be so sensitive

Freaky Deaky said...

[Angrily shakes my fists.] Tape? Check. Glue? Check. Broken glass? Check. Taipei death match with Lady J? Oh hell yeah, check.

[Glares] I am more than my name. Good day, ma'am. I said good day!

Lady J said...

@thoughts... finally someone feels me on that chair action.

@freaky... calm down before i fuck you.... oh up yea fuck you....up damn I keep forgetting to say up.
*thinking nasty thoughts of riding feaky*

fuzzy said...

I dub this blog to have been read by FUZZY! I'll be back...

Very informative, I wanted to do something like that for my next post...

blkbutterfly said...

so, i wanna try that armless chair thing like... right now! lol... next month i'll have the chance (hopefully).

i meant to ask some questions, but got sidetracked (majorly) and just forgot. i think these questions were good and made for an interesting read.

did you really want to be in a beauty pageant?

Lady J said...

@fuzzy... glad to be an inspiration to you fuzzy and welcome.

@BB... You will not regret the chair I promise you, and that's ok about the questions if you have any just ask. No I never wanted to be in a pageant I was being silly but now that I think about it I wouldn't mind being in Monique big girl beauty pageant.

Freaky Deaky said...

Nasty. Just nasty.

deepnthought said...

Okay this was good. I am putting the armless chair thing on my list to try when the right one comes along. I am thinking sbout the Monique big girl contest myself.

Lady J said...

@dnt... Iam glad to see more big girls with confidence. As long as it is in good taste. because just because it is in out size that don't mean you have to wear it. You'll enjoy the armless chair. when it happen you can thank me in a blog. lol

T.a.c.D said...

Well my first visit and I get to know you....this was interesting...I will be making sure to come past...