Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Someone Pat Me On The Back

My arms are to short. I feel good despite a few bumps in the road. Do you want the good news or bad news first? Ok the majority rules bad news first. I failed one of my quizes and I got a low score of a 68%on one of my test. I almost cried, when my teacher handed it back I look at the mistakes and realized that I could not have been in my right mind when I took both of these exams. As looked at it I realized that I knew damn near every answer on the fucking page except for maybe 2 and I had pretty good guesses on those. Now I am sure I need to get more rest. I can't believe I did something that damn stupid. Thank God I get good grades normally so it won't affect my grade all that much. Any who the interview went well and I am happy about that I got my cite I will be working at and I found out that I am getting paid for it. God is good. Not to mention I went home and got some sleep and over slept for work. I woke up at 11:00 and I suppose to be there at 11:00 so I got there at 12:00.

Gotta go. happy hump day!!!


deepnthought said...

see... I knew your interview would be the bomb. Dont worry about the quiz. You are so smart and intelligent that one off quiz is ok.

Ladynay said...

Ummmm yeah again GET SOME SLEEP!

Yay for the new site! *insert happy dance here*

Lady J said...

@deep... thank you I even had on gym shoes with a dress outfit and she almost didn't notice until in my nervous chatter brought it up on how I almost didn't make it, but I had already got the job by then.

@lady... I can't dance that well so you have to start the dance and I will join in.

Mahogany Misfit said...

Trust me, temporary insanity happens to ALL of us!

Have a drink and get some ZZZ's.

And if that doesn't help, grab yourself a Hitachi Magic Wand.

Works wonders for me!


TTD said...

congrats on the interview!!!

GET SOME REST! you dont want to burn urself out...

Freaky Deaky said...

Congratulations on acing the interview and getting the site you wanted.

Lady J said...

@southern gal; thanx

mistress; the magic wand sounds good. I might need a joint after that one.

ttd; I am and thank you.

freaky; thank you and that must be a hell of a letter you had to write;)