Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Start Day

Today is the start of my diet. I hate to use the word diet so I will say healthy living. I am cutting out all of the unhealthy snacking. I think my biggest problem is that I dont' have enough time to eat and that slows the metabolism down. When I do eat I grab candy or chips. So my friend has helped me advise a plan on what to eat and how often to eat. Maybe I should wait until I go grocery shopping. Yea that makes since. So Friday will be official start day, but I am going to give up snacks and pop. For the first week I am going to drink nothing but water to cleanse my system. I've been a bad girl and haven't drunk much water lately.

If any body have any good tips on dieting oops I mean healthy living feel free to share.

Gotta go! Blog you later.


Ladynay said...

Don't give up snacks and soda completely, just cut how much you have of it down. Like instead of having soda everyday cut down to every other day, then every 2 days, etc...

and exercise!

I am the last person that needs to give advice, but I have done this "diet" thing all my life.

Food journals really work if you don't get lazy or can remember to write the stuff down.

Freaky Deaky said...

My tip, don't lose the titties or I may never speak to you again.

Don't go shopping when you're hungry.

Keep a journal of when you eat, what you eat, and how you're feeling before you eat.

Chew your food more when you eat.

That's all I have for now.

Lady J said...

@ladynay... thanx for the tips but the thing with the pop If I drink pop I will not have a taste for water at all so I must get rid of that immediatly.

@freaky... Thank you freaky for the advice.

Ladynay said...

I hope that works for you.

We're all in this together together together

We're all in this together and somminsomminsommin. LOL It's a song, I just 4 got the words.

blkbutterfly said...

i think you have the right idea about thinking of it as healthy eating/living. after all, a diet is simply foods that are eaten regularly. too many of us have come to associate diet w/ starving ourselves or cutting all the things we like. i agree w/ ladynay: everything in moderation, coupled with exercise...

Lady J said...

@lady... thanx for you support and I hope I can encourage you in some way.

@thoughts... I remember that post I am the same way if I drink pop I will have no taste for water at all.

@BB... some ppl get spooked just at the mention of the word diet. I choose healthy living because I hope it becomes part of my life style one day.