Friday, October 06, 2006

The Truth

Mr. Freaky Deaky sent me this meme and told me to fill it out. I was as honest as I could be. This was a nice simple assignment. I hope you enjoy.

1. My grandpa once: I have no idea, he died before I was born.

2. Never in my life have I: Slept with a female

3. When I was younger, I: extremely shy

4. High school was: HELL

5. When I'm nervous: I talk a lot and fast

6. The last time I really cried was: About 2 weeks ago

7. If I were to get married right now: My husband and I would have sex for one week straight with out leaving the house or having visitors.

8. My hair is: irritating and curly

9. My feet are: wide

10. When I was 5: I got the chicken pox

11. Last Christmas: After we opened presents, I got drunk and passed out. What a great christmas

12. When I turn my head left: I am sitting next to this nosy ass bitch. Oops I mean my class mate

13. When I turn my head right: I am looking at the wall. Eeww it is a grease stain on it Oops did I do that?

14. My life is not complete without: My God and child

15. By this time next year: I will be working in a medical office

16. I have a hard time understanding: stupid ass people

17. One time at a family gathering: I wanted to have sex with my cousin. I can honestly say I didn’t know he was my cousin at first, but feeling still remain the same. lol

18. Take my advice: Wear a condom

19. My ideal breakfast is: sausage eggs and toast

20. If you visit my home town: wear a bullet proof vest

21. My friends are: crazy as hell

22. If you spend the night at my house: you are sleeping on the floor. Look on the bright side I will be next to you.

23. I would stop my wedding if: I found out my fiancĂ© was fucking the best man. In a sick way that’s kind of hot. I need help

24. The world could do without: cigarettes that shit stank

25. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: lick any man’s nasty ass again LOL

26. The most recent thing I've bought myself is: Another month in my apartment

27. And, by the way: Did you know blood is a liquid organ. It’s true

28. The last time I was high: I feel asleep on the toilet

29. In the past I shouldn't have been: Starting college after highschool

30. Once, at a bar/club: a drag queen did my hair in the bathroom

31. Last night, I: had phone sex at work

32. If I didn't have any obligations tomorrow: I would go to Chicago and New York

33. A better name for me would be: Taylor

34. In the last 6 months: I have been broke

35. If I ever go back to school: I am already in school to late for regrets

36: I bet you didn't know: I don’t like bad small children

37. I am: sweet and kind and spoiled

38. I read: Erotica

39. Every birthday: I get depressed about getting older then I have a drink

40. I regret: having that one night stand last September

41. What were you doing at midnight last night? Getting tips

42. What¢s your current computer¢s wallpaper? A pic of me

43. Who gave you the last compliment you heard and what did he/she say? My friend and he said no one can make him cum like me

44. Who was the last person you gave a compliment to and what did you say to him/her? Only you can make me this horny

45. Who was the last person to say they loved you? My friend last night after I made him cum

46. Who was the last person you said I love you too? My friend after I made him cum

47. If you could go back in time and start life over from that point, knowing everything you do now, how old would you be and why? I would be 18 cause I have been thru a lot and I was a very wise at 18

48. What¢s the last thing you said that was misinterpreted? Asking someone to hang out with me.

49. What¢s something most people you know like but you don¢t? my sense of humor

50. What¢s something you like but most people you know don¢t? the music I listen to

51. Who was the last person to make you laugh? My girl friend meekie

52. Entertain us, say something funny. I have been staring at this girl fat roll peeking at me from under her shirt for the last 45 mins

53. What do you think about the person who tagged you? I think he is intelligent, funny, and sexy.


deepnthought said...

cool.. This one was cool.
Now y feelings are hurt.. Freeky has never tagged me.
But I like your answers. Cool, post. Thanks for sharing.

deepnthought said...

LOL @fat roll.. ewww. cover that up lady.

Lady J said...

The nosy girl who sits next to me went over to her and pulled it down cause she said she felt sick. lol Those answers were from the heart.. lol

Freaky Deaky said...

[Jotting down notes in my notepad.] Wow, I learned some stuff about you.

Shy, sweet & innocent but you read erotica? Methinks someone is lying. LOL.

Take back #20 or I will shoot you!

#23 frightens me.

#25 who, what, when? More details please. Didn't know you got down like that.

#52 you want to rub her fat roll don't you?

Lady J said...

@freaky... Don't go there with me. You told me to be honest so I did. That's strange for a Gemini. lol

Ladynay said...

Stained the wall? Were we sleep in class?LOL

I think everyone has that fine cousin whether they admit it or not.

What was you high on when you went to sleep on the john?

How old's the kid?

Have your friend from the last few statements wash his butt real good and try it again. It's really not that bad.

Black on Black sex is hot no matter the combination. You don't need help.

Phone sex at work, interesting. I couldn't do that.

Thanks for doing the meme, I've learned a lil mo' bout cha!

Lady J said...

@ladynay... thanks for visiting.
No I was not sleep in class but when the teacher was talking I leaned back.

yes my cousin is fine and I still feel the same if I ever do that i would take that secret to the grave.

Extremely drunk off of 1800. when I woke I couldn't walk for 20 mins.

baby girl is 11 she was the one found me on the toilet. She had to use it.

It's not that his ass was nasty it was mental.

thank you even though freaky deaky think I need help

Phone sex at work was hot as hell I kind of got off to cause he enjoyed it so much Oh I love him.

You welcome ladynay ur comments were encouraging

Ladynay said...

HAHAHAHA! Your daughter is gonna tell that story about how she found mommy drunk on the toilet one day so be prepared! hahahahaha!

Okay I am going back to work now, just had to check back to see if you responded!

Enjoy the weekend ladybug!

Lady J said...

Everyone have a fun and safe weekend!!!
@ladynay... I hope she finds it funny and not on some shrinks couch charging my hmo up the ass. lol

Ladynay said...

Tee hee hee, ignore my email and that was gonna be my initial comment that she was gonna tell her shrink but I didn't wanna wish emotional issues on her...

Time to go home!

TTD said...

do u have a boy or girl? and how old?

i want to name my daughter taylor.. i think that's a pretty name

when the drag queen did your hair, how'd it look?

NegroPino™ said...

Hello there!!!!! First time thru will come back

Lady J said...

@thoughts of a southern girl... I'm from Detroit, so Be careful. I 'm kidding the D ain't no worse than any other big city.
Not his ass crack but his ass but I was pretty close to the crack then I changed my mind.
Hey that drag queen can do hair with the best of them I came out of the bathroom looking like a new person.
Just for you southern girl I will tell about that dreadful night that should have never took place in the first place.

Lady J said...

@ttd... I have a girl and she is 11 years old and don't sleep on the drag queen skills. She is the bomb. I was looking good.