Thursday, October 12, 2006

Men Get on my Nerves!!!

Ladies let me know if you can relate to me on this one. Don't you hate when you start talking to a guy and you are actually kind of interested in them, then they go and say something stupid like " Yea, I love to eat pussy, I will eat yo pussy real good". First of all that shit don't move me. All that is telling me that you are a nasty mutha fucker who eat any and every one pussy you come in contact with. They actually think we are suppose to be impressed by that. It don't impress me at all all it do for me is repulse me. Look I can get my pussy ate before I get a meal in my tummy. I can get it ate before I can get gas in my car. So fellows if that is all you have to say, then don't say nothing to me cause I don't want to hear it.

Ladies if you can relate holla at me. Guys if this is ur lame ass holla at me and tell me why.


Ladynay said...

A guy has never really came on to me with that line. If it does, I am usually the one who asked....

But if they did and I wasn't trying to get that info, I think I may be just a repulsed. I don't know.

Anonymous said...

I feel ya. I met this guy on line about a month ago and we sent pictures of each other. He was fine as hell! However, the very first conversation we had on the phone he's telling me how good he can make me feel..I was like ahh noo...we don't even know each other like that. He apologized and that was the end of him. What a f*ckin turn off though!!

Freaky Deaky said...

Guys do what works for them. I haven't met many women that didn't like their pussies ate. If the guy uses the line so much chances are it has worked for him. We're creatures of habit, so until it stops working for him more than it works for him he's going to keep doing what works for him, period. Trust me when I say some women like to hear or know that kind of stuff regardless of how well or long they've known you.

Lady J said...

@ladynay... ur silly so u are the harrasser that's cool I can be that way to but only to ppl I am not interested in.

@tjeanise... that is such a turn off I cut so many ppl off that way.

@freaky... that is true women let guys get away with 2 much. IF we start taking a stand and not let these fools disrespect us then it will stop. Too many chicken heads let think that shit is cute and its not.

deepnthought said...

LOL... I thought it was just me. I hate that.

Lady J said...

@tosg... that is so true. Mainly when they talk about the size of their penis

@dnt... No honey it's not just u. Ur not alone. lol

blkbutterfly said...

like ladynay i've never had a man came at me like that. and for that, i'm thankful. but, you're so right, if he's bragging about it, it's probably the worst!

shereejoi said...

Well actually I believe that a woman knows right off the bat if she is going to have sex with the guy or not so If I'm feeling the guy and I'm interested and I know for a fact I'm going to have sex with him then actually that comment wouldn't bother me, now if he goes on and on then I may become irritated. But on the other hand it's not like I'ma tell a guy damn I suck dick real good, Ima suck the cum out of yours (LOL)

Lady J said...

@bb... Ur right and thank God for small favors not having to deal with jerks

@Sheree... Even if I was gonna give him some he messed up with that statement.

Mahogany Misfit said...

You are too funny. I've been proposition like this and fell for it with Mr. G. Granted I had known him for about a year before it happened though.

Now take a random stranger who I just FUCK NO. You are getting nowhere near this pussy you little asshat. Spit that game to someone else.

Lady J said...

@mistress... It would have been different if I known him. Asshat? that's funny.