Sunday, February 11, 2007

Justice Has Been Served

So much has happened since I last logged on to you. I guess I will start from the top, which is last week. The building that my school is in caught on fire Tues, but thank God no one was hurt and the school was not damaged. It was an electrical fire on the 8th floor but it was not big, but the school was closed for 2 days cause the power was out. I still have not got my car fixed yet due to the fact that I have been kind of busy. The Green Mile's hearing is coming up this Monday and they are gonna give her her walking papers so justice have been served. I hope everyone weekend was good. Holla at you later!!!


Ladynay said...

Everything happens for a reason

Lady J said...

Glad is not even the word that comes to mind is elated a good word

Ms.Honey said...

Sooner or later Karma comes back to get ya....